In house seminars: “Pancreatic cancer cells undergo a metabolic shift during EMT towards the acquisition of the quiescence stem state” and “Mitochondrial disorders: from gene function to therapy”

Lunedì 3 gennaio 2020 – 14:00

Aula “B” Lente Didattica – Borgo Roma

Ilaria Dando
Dept. of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and movement Sciences
“Pancreatic cancer cells undergo a metabolic shift during EMT towards the acquisition of the quiescence stem state”

Emanuela Bottani
Dept. of Diagnostic and Publich Health
“Mitochondrial disorders: from gene function to therapy”

See attached file for scientific program and information

Info: vincenzo.corbo@univr.it; ilaria.decimo@univr.it

[gview file=”https://lurm.univr.it/wp-content/uploads/2020-01-13.pdf”]
